Platform Releases
December 2024
What’s new in Solomonic? Pinned filters
Read on for more details about this month’s released feature. If you would like to gain a deeper understanding of these updates, join us at one of our upcoming live training sessions (sign up here), or email us at
Pinned court filter
Seamlessly explore court-specific data across the platform with our new pinned filters
View all data across the platform through the lens of your selected court by using the pinned filter function. You will now find a ‘pin’ icon on the top right-hand corner of your court filter dropdown. You must click ‘Apply selection’ to pin your courts. Once pinned, this filter will stay active as you navigate through different pages across the platform including between both the claims and judgments section. This ensures that the data you see consistently reflects only the selected court(s). You can, of course, click on the ‘Reset’ button to return to an all courts view.